Our Why

Health professionals are uniquely positioned to be powerful voices in the fight to secure a healthy and livable climate. We are already frontline for the rapidly escalating negative health impacts of a warming planet. We understand the dire health implications of further warming.  Having already in our possession the skillset of communicating serious health concerns to our patients, and the trust of the public as credible sources of health information, we collectively have a professional obligation to provide it, with over 3 billion persons living in contexts highly vulnerable to climate change. Our medical trainees have a direct and personal stake in wanting us to lead the way.  Many of our professional societies have taken the position that we must. 

Health professionals must collectively make explicit the link between climate and health and leave a legacy of knowing we fought - with all the skills available to our professions - for the urgent preservation of a healthy and habitable climate for our patients, our trainees, and our descendants. Please join us so we may amplify our voices.

Our Goals:

  • EDUCATION. Educate our patients, colleagues, policymakers, and communities about the dangerous health consequences of climate change.

  • HEALTH EQUITY. Promote health and equity co-benefits of climate-friendly choices for everyone.

  • POLICY & ADVOCACY. Engage healthcare professionals in policy and advocacy initiatives at the organizational, municipal, state, and federal levels to avert the worst health impacts of climate change in an equitable manner.

  • JUSTICE. Advance the goals of environmental justice through our education, policy efforts, and partnerships.

  • SUSTAINABLE HEALTHCARE. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste from our healthcare practices.

  • NETWORKING. Build a network of health professionals to share resources, opportunities, and collaborative efforts.

Meet the Steering Comittee


All opinions and views expressed in these profiles are entirely personal and do not necessarily represent the opinions or views of anyone else, including administration, faculty, staff, residents/fellows or students at our respective institutions. Neither UConn Health nor the University of Connecticut have approved the material contained on this page. Members take sole responsibility for the content.